Eighth Hexagram - Better Hexagram, Water over Earth (Kan above Kun below)

坎 ☵ 坤 ☷

Better Hexagram - Water over Earth (Eighth Hexagram)

Original Text

Better, ji. Original fortune, zhen, wu xiong. Wu ji. Bu ning fang lai, hou fu xiong.

Translation in Chinese

Better Hexagram - Water over Earth symbolizes close and dependable relationship, this hexagram indicates that the hexagram is good, the original fortune is long-term honesty, without danger. Unstable time comes, later things are unlucky.


Better Hexagram (Water over Earth) has the hexagram of Kan and Kun, symbolizing water on the earth, indicating close and dependable relationship. This hexagram emphasizes teamwork and mutual help, suitable for reading human relationships and cooperation.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  • Symbols: Close, dependable, cooperation
  • Fortune: Actively care for others, treat them as partners, help each other, then everything is successful.
  • Love: Good relationship, both partners are pleased, should use positive care to help each other.
  • Career: Good cooperation, buy and sell is successful, investment is good, and cooperation is more successful with partners.
  • Work: Positive efforts to manage relationships between subordinates, with good helpers, good job fortune.

Different domains of interpretation

Career: Better Hexagram in career means that it is necessary to actively establish and maintain human relationships. Should pay attention to teamwork and mutual help, to succeed in difficult circumstances.

Love: Better Hexagram in love symbolizes stability and mutual dependence. Should care and understand the other person, avoid indifference, to maintain harmony.

Wealth: Better Hexagram in wealth symbolizes financial cooperation and support. Should seek cooperation partners, joint investment and development, to achieve financial success.

Education: Better Hexagram in education symbolizes need to cooperate with students and teachers. Should actively participate in team activities, help each other, to achieve good results.

Life Path: Better Hexagram in life path symbolizes that it is necessary to care for human relationships and teamwork. Need to harmonize with people, help each other, to achieve goals.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: