Third Hexagram - Tun Hexagram, Water and Thunder Tun (Kan above Zhen below)

Kan ☵ Zhen ☳

Tun Hexagram (Tun: Great success, beneficial to be upright. Do not act hastily. Beneficial to establish a foundation)

Original Text: Tun, great success, beneficial to be upright. Do not act hastily, beneficial to establish a foundation.

Translation: Tun Hexagram - Water and Thunder Tun indicates that the beginning will be difficult, but success can be achieved through effort. It is suitable to maintain integrity and act cautiously. Do not act hastily, it is beneficial to establish a foundation.


  • Tun Hexagram (Water and Thunder Tun) symbolizes the initial stage of things, often full of difficulties, but also full of hope and opportunities.
  • It is suitable to be patient, act cautiously, and not rush for success.
  • Maintain firmness in difficulties, gradually accumulate experience and resources, and eventually achieve success.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram:

  • Symbolism: Difficulty, patience, hope.
  • Fortune: Difficult beginnings, many obstacles, need perseverance to overcome adversity, then good fortune will come.
  • Love: Continuous obstacles, no result. Need to endure the initial period of adjustment, then it will get better.
  • Career: Many obstacles, low success rate. Not the right time for investment.
  • Work: Unfavorable, need to improve oneself and wait for the right opportunity.

Yao Text:

  1. Initial Nine: Hesitation, beneficial to stay upright, beneficial to establish a foundation.
    • Explanation: Hesitation at the beginning, but it is beneficial to maintain integrity and establish a foundation.
  2. Six Two: Difficulty, hesitation, riding a horse in confusion. Not a bandit, marriage alliance, the woman remains chaste, after ten years she marries.
    • Explanation: During difficult times, need to endure, not suitable for marriage, wait for ten years before it is appropriate.
  3. Six Three: Chasing a deer without a guide, only entering the forest. The gentleman sees the opportunity, it is better to give up, going forward brings regret.
    • Explanation: Chasing a goal without success, should act according to the situation, better to give up.
  4. Six Four: Riding a horse in confusion, seeking marriage alliance, going forward is auspicious, no harm.
    • Explanation: Suitable to actively seek cooperation, no harm.
  5. Nine Five: Accumulating fat, small uprightness is auspicious, large uprightness is inauspicious.
    • Explanation: Small matters are auspicious, large matters are inauspicious.
  6. Top Six: Riding a horse in confusion, crying tears of blood.
    • Explanation: Excessive persistence leads to disaster.

Interpretation in Different Aspects:

  • Career: Initial difficulties, but persistence will lead to success by gradually accumulating resources and experience.
  • Love: Requires patience and tolerance, overcoming initial obstacles, gradually establishing a stable relationship.
  • Wealth: Not suitable to rush, need to wait for the right opportunity, gradually accumulate wealth.
  • Studies: Requires effort and patience, initial difficulties, but perseverance will bring rewards.
  • Life Direction: Suitable to train oneself in difficulties, gradually accumulate strength and experience, eventually achieving success.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: