Nineteen Hexagram - Heavenly Hexagram, Heavenly Below (Earth Above)

Earth ☷ 兌 ☱

Heavenly Hexagram (Nineteen Hexagram)

Original Text

Heavenly Hexagram, favorable to good fortune, favorable to stay. To the eighth month is unlucky.

Translation in Chinese

Heavenly Hexagram - Heavenly symbolizes supervision and observation, this hexagram indicates that it is possible to prosper, favorable to stay. To the eighth month will be unlucky.


Heavenly Hexagram (Heavenly Hexagram) has the hexagram of Earth and Heaven, symbolizing the earth, indicating that the supervision and observation. This hexagram emphasizes to guide and lead, suitable for reading supervision and guidance.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  • Symbols: Near, command, supervision
  • Fortune: Fortune is good, many things are successful, should be careful to the time, then can be successful. Do not halfway abandon, otherwise will be unlucky.
  • Love: Good fortune, do not use the mind to control, gentle to people.
  • Career: Career development is successful, should be faithful to oneself, then can be successful. Investment needs to be guided by oneself.
  • Work: Work is successful, should be successful in the career.
  • Wealth: Financial situation is good, suitable for investment and expansion of wealth, needs to be guided by oneself.

Different domains of interpretation

Career: Heavenly Hexagram in career means that it is necessary to be faithful to oneself and positive supervision. Should maintain positive attitude, career will be successful.

Love: Heavenly Hexagram in love symbolizes harmony and mutual respect. Should be gentle to people, avoid using the mind, love harmony.

Wealth: Heavenly Hexagram in wealth symbolizes financial good. Should participate in investment and management, wealth will be gradually increased.

Education: Heavenly Hexagram in education symbolizes that it is necessary to supervise and work hard. Should maintain focus and diligent, learning results will be significant improved.

Life Path: Heavenly Hexagram in life path symbolizes that it is necessary to supervise and positive attitude. Should be faithful to oneself, follow the time, success will be with it.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: