Fourth Hexagram - Meng Hexagram, Mountain and Water Meng (Kang and Shui)

艮 ☶ 坎 ☵

Meng Hexagram - Mountain and Water Meng (Fourth Hexagram)

Original Text

Meng Heng, not I seek child meng, child meng seek I. First卜, three times卜,卜 then not卜.利貞。

Translation in Chinese

Meng Hexagram - Mountain and Water Meng, symbolizes education and enlightenment. This hexagram indicates the importance of education and enlightenment, not I seek child meng, child meng seek I. First卜, three times卜,卜 then not卜.利貞。


Meng Hexagram (Mountain and Water Meng) has the hexagram of Kang and Shui, symbolizing the danger of the mountain below, indicating the beginning of ignorance and confusion. This hexagram emphasizes the importance of education and enlightenment, suitable for reading learning and development.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  • Symbols: Illiteracy, ignorance, deception
  • Fortune: Paths are unclear, fate is not favorable. And one is not enough to learn, easy to be deceived.
  • Love: Success rate is low. Both parties are not mature. Suggest to third parties for guidance, learning.
  • Career: Lack of effort, limited experience, transaction difficult. Professional knowledge is insufficient, do not rush investment.
  • Work: Fate is not favorable, short-term work is difficult.

Yi Text

  1. Initial Six: Meng, use punishment to discipline, use explanation to release restraints.
    • Explanation: Meng begins, needs punishment to discipline, uses explanation to release restraints, progress is difficult.
  2. Nine Two: Meng, good. Married good, child good.
    • Explanation: Meng, good. Married good, child good.
  3. Six Three: Do not marry young women. Seek a wealthy husband, no benefit to oneself.
    • Explanation: Do not marry young women, see a wealthy husband, no benefit to oneself, no benefit.
  4. Six Four: Meng, difficult.
    • Explanation: In a difficult situation, difficult to Meng, has difficulty.
  5. Six Five: Childlike ignorance, auspicious.
    • Explanation: Teaching an ignorant child, auspicious.
  6. Top Nine: Striking ignorance. Not beneficial to attack, beneficial to defend.
    • Explanation: Using force to enlighten. Not beneficial to attack, beneficial to defend.

Interpretation in Different Fields

Career: The Meng Hexagram in career signifies initial difficulties and ignorance, requiring education and training. One should seek guidance and help, and avoid rash actions.

Love: The Meng Hexagram in love symbolizes immaturity, requiring time and patience to understand each other. Both parties should learn and grow together, avoiding impatience.

Wealth: The Meng Hexagram indicates financial difficulties and lack of experience. One should act cautiously, seek professional advice, and avoid risky investments.

Academics: The Meng Hexagram in academics signifies the need for diligent study and seeking guidance. One should humbly accept education and gradually improve their knowledge and skills.

Life Direction: The Meng Hexagram suggests maintaining a humble and inquisitive attitude in life. One needs to accept education and guidance, gradually overcoming difficulties, and finding the right direction.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: