Eighteen Hexagram - Heavenly Hexagram, Heavenly Above (Void Below)

Void ☶ 巽 ☴

Heavenly Hexagram (Eighteen Hexagram)

Original Text

Heavenly Hexagram, favorable to good fortune, favorable to cross great rivers. Prepare for the first three days after the first three days.

Translation in Chinese

Heavenly Hexagram - Heavenly symbolizes problems and difficulties, this hexagram indicates that it is possible to prosper, favorable to cross great rivers. Need to prepare for three days before and after the action.


Heavenly Hexagram (Heavenly Hexagram) has the hexagram of Void and Heaven, symbolizing the wind of the earth, indicating that the difficulty and problem. This hexagram emphasizes facing problems and difficulties, and need to be honest to deal with, from the root to solve, suitable for reading to deal with difficulties and change the situation.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  • Symbols: Difficulty, problem, corruption
  • Fortune: Many things are not in order, need to be honest to deal with the problem, from the root to solve, then can be successful.
  • Love: There are accumulated怨 and problem, need to make a firm decision to remove evil habits, then can be good.
  • Career: Career development is not in order, need to find the root cause of the problem and solve it, then can be successful.
  • Work: Work is not in order, need to re-plan. Job search is not in order, need to lower the standard, start from low, wait for the strength to be complete, then can be successful.
  • Wealth: Financial situation is not good, investment needs to be careful, avoid risky actions, find the root cause of the problem, then can be successful.

Different domains of interpretation

Career: Heavenly Hexagram in career means that it is necessary to be honest to deal with the problem and solve it. Should find the root cause of the problem, from the root to solve, career will be successful.

Love: Heavenly Hexagram in love symbolizes the problem and accumulated怨. Should make a firm decision to remove evil habits, honest to deal with the problem, love harmony.

Wealth: Heavenly Hexagram in wealth symbolizes financial difficulty and problem. Should be careful, avoid risky actions, find the root cause of the problem, then can be successful.

Education: Heavenly Hexagram in education symbolizes that it is necessary to be honest to deal with the problem in learning. Should find the root cause of the problem, solve it, learning results will be significant improved.

Life Path: Heavenly Hexagram in life path symbolizes that it is necessary to be honest to deal with the problem. Should find the root cause of the problem, from the root to solve, then can be successful.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: