Fifteen Hexagram - Heavenly Hexagram, Heavenly Below (Kun Above Shen Below)

坤 ☷ 艮 ☶

Heavenly Hexagram (Fifteen Hexagram)

Original Text

Heavenly Hexagram, prosperous, the virtuous person has a good ending.

Translation in Chinese

Heavenly Hexagram - Heavenly symbolizes humility and prudent, this hexagram indicates that humility will bring prosperity, the virtuous person can achieve good things at the beginning and end.


Heavenly Hexagram (Heavenly Hexagram) has the hexagram of Kun and Shen, symbolizing the interaction of earth and heaven, indicating that earth and heaven are in harmony, everything is peaceful and prosperous. This hexagram emphasizes humility and prudent, suitable for reading humility and prudent behavior and persisting.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  • Symbols: Humility, prudent, prudent
  • Fortune: Good fortune, but must be careful, do not act too bold, or else, it will be difficult to control the situation.
  • Love: Initial feelings are deep, but both parties are too aggresive, love will not last.
  • Career: Competition is great, risk is great, must be humiliating, faithful, to succeed. Investment risk is great, must be careful.
  • Work: Business is developing, but there may be small obstacles. Job hunting must understand the principle of randomness.
  • Wealth: Financial situation is stable, suitable for small-scale investment and accumulation, avoid excessive risk.

Different domains of interpretation

Career: Heavenly Hexagram in career means that it is necessary to be humiliating and prudent in business. Should keep modest and faithful, gradually develop, business will be successful.

Love: Heavenly Hexagram in love symbolizes stability and mutual respect. Should be humiliating to love, avoid aggresive, to build a stable relationship.

Wealth: Heavenly Hexagram in wealth symbolizes financial stability and accumulation. Should be prudent, gradually accumulate wealth, avoid excessive risk and take advantage of opportunities.

Education: Heavenly Hexagram in education symbolizes that it is necessary to be humiliating and diligent. Should keep focused and diligent, learning results will be significant improved.

Life Path: Heavenly Hexagram in life path symbolizes that it is necessary to be humiliating and solid. Should keep modest and solid, success will come with it.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: