Second Hexagram - Kun Hexagram, Kun as Earth (Kun on Kun)

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Kun Hexagram (Second Hexagram)

Original Text

Kun Yuan, Heng, Li Ma Zheng. Jin Shi You Zhuan, Xian Mi Hou Da Zhu, Li. Xinan De Peng, Dong Bei Sao Peng. An Zheng Ji.

English Translation

Kun Hexagram - Kun as Earth, represents the earth, symbolizes the earth, and the earth, which means to carry and follow. The core concept is "Yuan", which means the foundation; "Heng", which means to be successful; "Li Ma Zheng", which means to be like a female horse, suitable for following. Jin Shi You Zhuan, Xian Mi Hou Da Zhu, Li. Xinan De Peng, Dong Bei Sao Peng. An Zheng Ji.

Reading Method

Kun Hexagram (Kun as Earth) has six lines of yin, pure yin. This hexagram emphasizes to follow and carry, suitable for reading the way of following the times, accepting changes, and maintaining stability.

Detailed Explanation of the Hexagram

  1. Kun Yuan:The basic feature of Kun Hexagram is to carry and follow. It symbolizes the broadness and containment of the earth.
  2. Heng:Indicates success. In any situation, it can be followed by change, without hindrance.
  3. Li Ma Zheng:Like a female horse, suitable for following. Need to maintain stability and follow.
  4. Jin Shi You Zhuan:The person has made a move, at first confused, later found the right direction.
  5. Xian Mi Hou Da Zhu >:Can find friends in the southwest, lose friends in the northeast. Need to choose appropriate directions to move.
  6. Xinan De Peng::In the southwest direction, find friends, in the northeast direction, lose friends. Need to choose appropriate directions to move.
  7. Dong Bei Sao Peng::In the southwest direction, find friends, in the northeast direction, lose friends. Need to choose appropriate directions to move.
  8. An Zheng Ji:Maintain stability and righteousness, can get good luck.

The detailed explanation of the hexagram is as follows:

  1. First Six: Footprints on Snow, Hard Ice

    • English: First Six, Footprints on Snow, Hard Ice
    • Explanation: Small things predict big things, need to prepare in advance, to prevent from happening.
  2. Six Two: Direct, Square, Big, No Practice, No benefit

    • English: Six Two, Direct, Square, Big, No Practice, No benefit
    • Explanation: Maintain righteousness and tolerance, natural good luck, no need to add ornament.
  3. Six Three: Inclined to Keep, or from the King's Job, No achievement, No end

    • English: Six Three, Inclined to Keep, or from the King's Job, No achievement, No end
    • Explanation: Maintain inner virtues, able to persist to the end. Even without great achievements, can have a good ending.
  4. Six Four: Closing the Bag; No Blame, No Praise

    • English: Six Four, Closing the Bag, No Blame, No Praise
    • Explanation: Act cautiously, will not have faults, but also will not receive praise. Need to maintain moderation.
  5. Six Five: Yellow Skirt, Great Good Fortune

    • English: Six Five, Wearing Yellow Skirt, Great Good Fortune
    • Explanation: In a high position, humble and cautious, able to obtain great good fortune.
  6. Top Six: Dragon Battles in the Wild, Its Blood is Black and Yellow

    • English: Top Six, Dragon Battles in the Wild, Its Blood is Black and Yellow
    • Explanation: Excessive pursuit leads to conflict, need to avoid fighting, maintain peace.

Interpretation in Different Aspects

Career: Kun Hexagram in career means to follow the trend, maintain stability and humility. Suitable for jobs requiring patience and stability, do not rush for success.

Love: Kun Hexagram in love symbolizes tolerance and compliance. Need to respect and understand each other, maintain a peaceful attitude, love will develop steadily.

Wealth: Kun Hexagram indicates wealth accumulation needs to be stable and lasting, not suitable for taking risks. Should adopt a conservative investment strategy, gradually accumulate wealth.

Studies: Kun Hexagram in studies means to be down-to-earth, study diligently. Stability and perseverance are the keys to success.

Life Direction: Kun Hexagram suggests that in life, one should follow nature, maintain peace and stability. Do not overly pursue speed and superficial achievements, stability and longevity are the long-term ways.

64 Hexagrams of the I Ching

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching are recorded in the Book of Changes, one of the important classics of ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams, each with its specific symbol and commentary, used to describe and predict natural phenomena and human affairs. Here is a catalog of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching: